"It is not Falling that causes injury. It is Not Knowing How to Fall that causes injury."
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Above is an example of an impact that is not generally noticed, but an Injury Impact Evaluation would uncover. In a Barrel Roll, the legs roll like a barrel as well. The ligaments and musculature of the legs are not designed to handle this significant transverse rotation. Often this results in the legs getting thrown out and away from the hips, as shown by the arrows. This over-twists the hip-to-leg muscles and the hip joint itself, often causing or contributing to groin injuries.



Injury Impact Evaluation

When a player is injured, the doctors always ask how it happened. They need to find all of a player's injury, and knowing precisely what was hit, how hard, what direction, for how long, etc., makes a big difference. But, doctors are usually told something like this: "I fell," "she was tackled from behind", "someone fell on his leg." With only basic information like that, it is not surprising that the full extent of injury is sometimes missed and that athletes take longer to recover than predicted.

Injury Impact Evaluation explains precisely how a player was injured. The angle of the impacts, their speed, and mass are all identified. Cascading injury patterns are discovered revealing how far the impact force traveled in the body and what it hit.

For example, when a shoulder hit the ground hard in a fall, did the head also take a hard impact, did a rib slightly fracture due to the compression forces at work? When a sliding knee hit the ground, was the lower back twisted, and if so, by how much and for how long? When the player barrel rolled, did their head get "snapped" to the left, and were the legs splayed and then transversely rotated causing a hidden ligament tear?

By knowing where, how hard, how long, and how many impacts occurred on the body, you and your doctors have a better chance of finding and repairing all your injury.


If Knowledge is Power, then Impact Knowledge is Healing Power.

Impact force is like lightning, it enters the body in one place but travels throughout the body - following the body's skeletal, arteriole, or other pathways. For example, a knee impact can cause a tear in a lower back muscle and a strain injury to the neck.

Injury Impact Evaluation follows these pathways and helps the athlete and his or her medical providers understand the entire damage picture.


The Last Straw Injury

Ground Impact is constantly pounding your players. Micro-tears are constantly being made in muscles, ligaments and tendons. Eventually, even a simple fall that seems routine may be the last straw for a muscle, tendon or ligament.

You see it all the time: an athlete falls, gets up and ten seconds later he is back on the ground in agony. Something gave out on him that was just waiting for the right pull, push, compression to finally break. Game Fall's Injury Impact Evaluation is able to locate this last straw.

Multiple Angular Impacts are often not understood when evaluating injury. One impact that may seem incidental may actually hold the key to understanding why the player was so injured. Too often the wrong impact focus leaves players in pain, with a longer recovery time and more vulnerable to re-injury.